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Birthday Greetings

Started by Ian van Deurne, February 04, 2016, 02:46:08 PM

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Ian van Deurne

Today marks the birthday anniversary of two organ builders, one very famous, and the other, well probably more infamous than anything else!
Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, born 4th February 1811, who was one of the geatest organ builders of the 19th century, if not THE greatest. His instruments alne stand as testimony to this fact.
Not only were they constructed to the highest standard possible at that time, their sound was, and still is, absolutely outstanding when sympathetically restored. I know of several smaller instruments standing in out of the way places in the French countryside that have never had a comprehensive renovation, other than a general cleaning and regulation, yet they still sound, although with a few wheezes and puffs, almost as good as the master left them.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to make a visit to France/Paris for his anniversary as I always try to do, because there is always something going on somewhere to celebrate this fact. I usually attend a Cavaillé-Coll organ concert, and perhaps also get the chance to have a spin on one of his instruments if I'm in the right place and time. Just to get my hands on some of those fabulous reeds is a truly rewarding experience.
"Father Willis, eat your heart out!" was the somewhat ingenerous thought that I had the very first time I encountered one of his organs, far too many years ago to think about now!
They do, however, represent a very important milestone in the history of organ building.
If you have never experienced a Cavaillé-Coll organ "in the flesh" yet, and you love the organ, then stick it on your life list as something you have to do before you're off.

What about the other organ builder mentioned at the beginning then?
Well, it's none other than yours truly!
I may never be so famous and successful as the great Aristide, but I have always tried to build organs that will stand the test of time, and who knows, someone, somewhere will be posting something about me here in 205 years time!

Best wishes


David Pinnegar

Dear Ian

THANKS so much for your enlightening news!

Perhaps a list of French organs to visit might be a great idea and a rather good contribution to this thread and the forum. Whilst postings seem a bit sparse, if one goes down on the front page and clicks on the line of members and guests it links through to what people are looking at - and it's apparent that this forum is an extraordinarily successful corpus of organ knowledge that people are referencing on a daily basis - and so really well worth contributing to. Whilst the "most online today" seems rarely to climb above 26, the reality is that the world stats link seems to record at least 100-150 visits per day which is a rather successful number . . . so contributing organ knowledge here really is worthwhile and much more lasting than whatever people are doing on FarceBook.

Congratulations too on your own anniversary and please do document work that you're doing here, whether it be repairs or techniques of handling different repair problems etc. If it results in your being consulted more and getting more work . . . that's what it's all about!

Best wishes

David P

Barrie Davis

Dear Ian,

Please post some details of your work as I am sure members would be very interested.

Best wishes